«The temptation to change something in the Constitution not only useful but also dangerous»
Internet portal "Arguments and the facts. "
Published: December 11, 2008 18:06:58
Valery Zorkin, Oleg Barabanov and Love Dukhanina about whether there should be any amendments to the Constitution Russia
December 12 Russia - Day celebration of the adoption of the Constitution in contemporary Russia. Recall that the "main instrument throughout the country's legal system" was adopted by popular vote 15 years ago: December 12, 1993. Since 1994, the decrees of the President of Russia ("On the Day of Russian Constitution" and "Non-day December 12) This day was granted the status of the national holiday.
tradition of celebrating Constitution Day was in Soviet times. Thus, in the Soviet Union the day of adoption of the Constitution 1936 was celebrated on December 5. Then the celebration was postponed to October 7 in connection with the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR.
11 years, was an All-Russian Constitution Day weekend however, 24 December 2004 State Duma passed amendments to the Labor Code of Russia, which had been prescribed changes in the festive calendar of the state. Thus, since 2005 on Dec. 12 from the output once again became a working day, the holiday reckoned with "observances of Russia."
«copy number 1" of the main law of the land is kept in the library of the Kremlin. The so-called inaugural edition of the Constitution in the binding of a thin skin of red overlaid with silver Russia emblem and embossed with gold inscription.
what amendments are needed in today's Constitution? This question AIF.RU asked the following experts:
Valery Zorkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court:
- Constitution - the foundation and the state and public life, that is, all relationships that in a society governed by the law. It is like a key, without which it is impossible to access the system. The Constitution - is the key to the whole system of law. However, up until such a situation did not work, change not only useful but also dangerous.
As a specialist on constitutional law and as a practicing lawyer will say that I I do not see in the Constitution anything that would require change, and that would be inconsistent with the present state of society. If, say, Russia wish to resort to the new regulation of the rights and freedoms, you do not need to change the Constitution. It's all there.
Love Dukhanina, a member of the Public Chamber Russia:
- I do think it is good to all processes within the country to build such a way that guarantees the rights of children were laid out in the Constitution, really secure the country.
For example, it is necessary to ensure the right to free further education, because 80% of all circles and sections for children working on fee basis. Need to align the rights of public and private educational institutions, which declares the Constitution, but in practice there Real discrimination is non-profit organizations that work in education.
Oleg Barabanov, Doctor of Political Sciences:
- The Constitution therefore called the fundamental law, that its change is necessary in the most extreme cases. This situation, which we had in Russia at the beginning nineties, when the Congress of Soviets every two months making changes to the Constitution, makes life precarious state.
a situation that has arisen after the adoption of the Constitution of the 93rd, when the first corrections are made only now, due to the clear public necessity - I mean increasing terms of the President, MPs, government accountability Parliament and so on - such a situation, from my point of view, is optimal. Therefore, in my opinion, very tempted to change anything in the Constitution is not constructive.
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