Monday, December 8, 2008

The Best Tattos On Babes On Private Parts

Sons of blue - The Sons of blue spell work

Info: Sequel to "Shadows swallow."
Spoilers then.
Characters: a bit 'all
Rating: NC-17

Chapter 5

The spell work

Without thinking for a moment, Harry acted.
He could not say how it was certainly the reaction of Hermione, but at that moment - just before the memory taken away from her memory to dissolve, Harry knew that Hermione was to remain caged.
When she felt faint and collapsed to the risk of falling off the bed, Harry was ready to support it. He too, however, was giving way. This strange phenomenon was sucking up all his energy. Ron and Ginny were ready to lie down on the bed.
"Go To call mom, Ron. It must have something to calm them down, but I do not know where the hold. "
Red nodded and went to knock on their parents' room.
Harry felt the sounds around him as amplified, and ears were punched out of it. At the same time, however, he felt terribly absent from everything: the look of startled Ginny, Hermione's weak breathing.
Hermione ...
turned to her cost him an incredible effort.
What was happening? Why not be happy together?
"Harry ..."
The voice of Ron's father was calling. "Harry, Hermione had maybe had better more air. "
wearily nodded and got out of bed. "We need to warn his parents. "Molly Weasley
around his shoulders with one arm. "Come on, Harry. Called up with the metro-dust. Minerva can help you, surely want to know. "
'll want to know. With a cynical smile, Harry thought back to when Ron and Hermione had repeated that 'We would like to know,' every time he woke drenched in sweat from a nightmare, with his scar burning.
But this time was different: it had entered a nightmare to sleep, but a memory.
Hermione had lived one, Ginny had lived that! An effort to
vomiting forced him to stop in the middle of the scale.
Molly Weasley looked worried.
"Lean on me, Harry. "
was just like a mother. Grateful, Harry accepted the offer and ended going down the spiral staircase.
The dining room was quiet, but it remained for long. Before Ron's mother took the baton, and bowed down before the fire to contact Hogwarts, Harry saw those who were the first signs of a return.
Bill Weasley and his girlfriend, Deirdre, were appalled gloomy atmosphere that reigned at the Burrow.
Mrs. Weasley explained briefly what had happened, but heard only part of the Bill. However, it was as if he could understand the events just by looking at the ashen face of Harry.
like lightning, rushed up the stairs, and heard him cry out the name of Ginny. Harry clenched his eyelids. Bill was another who had been through too much, way too many. And now this ... Ginny was his star, more important than any other family members, much more important than any girl.

Perhaps only the night when everyone had expected news about the health of Arthur Weasley, when he was bitten by snake during his guard duty at the Ministry ... maybe just the night was far worse than it was ending.
Minerva McGonagall had just arrived from Hogwarts, using the dust flying, and with her were Hermione's parents.
was already half past six, sticking to the east and the sunrise was as sad as them, careful to leave when Hermione rested a little 'alone. Ginny was physically standing, but no one could swear on his ability to remain so for long.
She tried to remember something that could be helpful, some details that Lucius Malfoy had missed enchantment. Unfortunately, in her memory was taking shape slowly and in complete chronological disorder.
"But we are sure that you have to remember? "Harry said suddenly, seeing her so ill. It was not easy for him to speak of the fragment that had inadvertently picked up by the mind of Hermione ... he could only imagine - and was not sure he wanted to pursue - what he felt Ginny.
"What other option do we have? "Said the red.
Hermione's father holding his face in his hands, his mother kept looking at the scale, as if any moment falls his Hermione, rested and ready to show them the letter with the results of final examinations.
"I know that I remember. The blockade imposed on ... Hermione is much more subtle, more subconscious level. She keeps thinking you remember ... talk to you, Harry ... it sure will only bring harm. "
"It 's what they want you think. Must be able to unlock ... you will succeed. "
" Who are those who want to? "Arthur Weasley wondered aloud.
"What? "Bill looked up. "Do you have any doubt about who they are? "
" It's not obvious, Bill. Voldemort has been destroyed. We are confident that he has not been involved for the miracle that saved Ron dall'anatema Malfoy. Voldemort is dead. And we immediately arrested the two Malfoy. "
" It could have prepared everything before that time, though. "Remarked the McGonagall.
Ron uncombed hair, at the height of nervousness and sense of powerlessness. "Harry, come back to repeat what you saw in the memories of Hermione. "
" You ...? "
Only now, in front of stunned expression of the Dean, Harry remembered that he had not yet talked about the frightening experience in the mind of his girlfriend.
"Hermione agreed to ...? "
Ron shook his head" It 's happened spontaneously, Professor. "
" It 's the truth? "She asked turned to Harry.
He nodded, and Minerva McGonagall approached him. "It 's the first time this has happened? "
" Yes, but I do not ... "
"Legilimanzia, Harry. Are you a mind reader. "
" Even this? "
Harry tapped his fist on the table, startled by Deidre who sat beside him. He could not restrain himself. "Another gift of Voldemort through his scar, I guess! "The face of Professor
softened slightly. "I think it's better to go elsewhere to talk about it, Harry ... Ron, Ginny, you can come too? "

was clear that people who did not have to come and learn the details of that experience were the parents of Hermione. It had already been atrocious for them to see their daughter in that state, on his return to Hogwarts, after the liberation. Learn the details by the memory of Ginny or the story of what she saw ... that Harry could not stand it.
"It's good that you learn to control your power, Harry, before you find yourself using it without meaning to, so undisciplined. "The words of McGonagall was ill-treated by the early morning, when the hall of the Tana had ended the conversation that the worst was given to remember.
Again ... it was back in a situation of having a bloody power to manage. After his fifth year at the nightmares that were allowed to see the father of Ron, just in time because they do not die ... but he had nightmares that had to learn to reject the Occlumency, here get the legilimanzia involuntary.
He wanted to get to scream. For
groped to calm down, he began to look at Hermione, lying on the bed of the Weasley. While
stood, waiting to wake up from sleep induced by a potion, Harry felt the urgent need to transfer all their thoughts in a like Dumbledore's Pensieve. He felt the desperate need to put in order, those thoughts that flashed in my mind, from wall to wall.
The news that his questions, Ron and Hermione had been accepted by the Director of the Master Auror training seemed to already be part of a previous life ... a life that had just started screening in their minds, but who had already had a setback. The priorities were drastically changed.
"You better aptitude tests to make them the Master at Hogwarts, boys," said the father of Ron. "You will be quieter and more away from rumors and malice. "

" Professor, I should talk to. "
Ron had taken from the McGonagall, under the astonished gaze of Harry and Ginny, who had not seen them before returning half an hour.
"Well, I hope that the health of Hermione did not relapse. Let me know, and I recommend it, Harry ... remember what I said. "
" Yes, Professor. Review. "
Here are their prospects for new straight from the events.
No more well deserved holiday in Brittany and Normandy, but a trip to Hogwarts that he had become a journey of hope, to try to understand ... 'safe' thing was happening to Hermione and Ginny. To understand how to undo the spell that had ordered, setting in motion with the suicide of Malfoy.
again to hide, to escape again by the magic of Death Eater Lucius Malfoy ... but as dead as Lucius Malfoy. He felt a dangerous desire to curse him, but he hurled curses too much.
"You can believe me, I do not I will stay good good in the classrooms and the library. "
" Ginny, do not do crazy things. 'S for you to say it. "
" Do not do crazy things? Do not be crazy? I'm tired of being protected by the small, mom! "
Judging by the screams she heard come from the dining room, Ginny was also annoyed by the idea of having to" close "in a castle, even though it was their beloved Hogwarts. Ginny
dreamed of a work by a researcher, and for her this past year was to be the best. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were trying to ruin even the future, after having torn the past, forcing her to live in terror of war. He had good reason to feel frustrated.
"We have arrived" announced the voice of Fred.
"Well, now the cage is full of crazy," said Ginny, closing the back with a bang the door of your room.
"It's not that you have given lessons angry? "
Harry had turned towards the corridor of the ward at night, and when he heard the hoarse voice of Hermione turned sharply. See her cheeky smile was like awakening to a new day.
"You're scared ... I did not want. "
Harry stroked her hand over the light sheet. "I was lost in thought. How are you? "
" Um, well. "Harry arched
an eyebrow.
"Seriously ..."
"Well, because we need you. They're all mad here. "
" You're going crazy because of me, so I do not think there is still need me anymore. "
" Do not even think. "Hermione returned
serious. "Harry, what happened ... It 's better not happen again. "
" Have you noticed that ... "
" I feel your touch, as I remembered. Do not want you to expose it. "
" I do not see how we can avoid it, because they do not even know how I did it ... The McGonagall was here. He says that I must learn to control that power. "
" The power to read minds of others. "
" Miss I know everything, could avoid ever really know everything? "
The querulous tone of Harry made her smile. "I still fear it was wrong to let Ginny've talked about it. "
" Why? Malfoy count on this ... why else would you write that message? He wants to see you fall, Hermione. I should not wonder if ... "
" Harry, Draco wanted to help us! Do not you understand? "
" It 's a bit hard to believe, after seeing him deal so Bill, after seeing freely admits to being a Death Eater. "
" The point is this ... "Hermione rose too sharply from the pillow, and a grimace of pain passed over his face. "Harry, listen: the Death Eaters have always been cowards, such as to hide behind the influences of senior Malfoy and other powerful Ministry of the old. Get the father of Draco, remember when he spit to the father of Ron? "
" While Draco is a saint, right? "
" I'm not saying that. I'm sure of one thing, and it is also Ginny. Draco wanted to help us with that spell. "
" The Oblivious? And if you do everything part of an agreement with the father? And if it were a part that Draco was acting? "
" And then, in turn, take two doses of torture under the whip of MacNair? I am sure they saw him with wounds on his arms, Harry. And 'one of the few memories I'm sure. "
" Ginny said that his memory of those days is fragmentary. "
" So you doubt me? Do you doubt my word? "
" I'm just saying that may have you fooled ... "
" Go away, Harry. "
" Hermione, listen, I ... "Hermione
scand furious last words. "Get out of here. "


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