* * She looks around pouting * I'm poor is increasingly Journal ù__ù abandoned by me but I do not purposely X ° D
If I have writer's block, there is and I can not do anything about mica .___.
So then, why air news?
First, I switched between applications in a course for assistants to law firms O_O to the question leaves me puzzled
X ° DDD only a fool would want me in such a course to
Muahauaha .... Collu, the dear professor of law, would be a heart attack ... Secondly
........... hate perspective, or rather our sconclusionaria Professor X ° DDDD
Nope, from a good person, even if troppo spesso mi si incasina e ci fa incasinare X°DDD per il resto è la prima persona in tanti anni ad avermi insegnato in un solo giorno la prospettiva X°DDDD
Terzo.......Lo Spazio Anteprima finalmente avrà la sua associazione A___A
Stasera, ore 21.00 finalmente si firmerà lo Statuto, e noi cambieremo il mondo v.v mauahauahuahaua
*sogni di gloria*
Per il resto, tutto ok, a parte cosplay che aumentano per Maggio o-o (al che io mi chiedo che diamine farò X°DD) e gente che si leva da quello della Cartoomics v.v
Indi, al prossimo che mi dice che salta, prendo il mio Dear Prussia dress and burn it >____>
Ahhh ..... and then it will be the last time I attend a large group of madocina going up on stage I am vv route> _> I fume to
Awww and my dear little woman in red + w + we love and the stupracchiare Gilb was a very interesting experience * W * even if my half Prussian screaming outrage X ° DDD
Even stupracchiare Sebastian * W * uhuhuhuhuh and pieces X ° D involuntarily
nap in this house all but me O_O perchèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè
ç_ç I'm the one who needs a well-deserved nap! *
launches air dogs and cats
Uuhhhh, other news, I started to translate my stuff upstairs in my new room A__A muahauahaua ......
* puts on the top corner of the yogurt * O_O shit!
* * disappears and comes back to clean
. __. but that beard
However, I find I have too many drawings O_O
where does it come out of X ° DDDD
not know what to write, except that I want to die because I can not go on like that damn chapter .____. testaccio my
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