* * She looks around pouting * I'm poor is increasingly Journal ù__ù abandoned by me but I do not purposely X ° D
If I have writer's block, there is and I can not do anything about mica .___.
So then, why air news?
First, I switched between applications in a course for assistants to law firms O_O to the question leaves me puzzled
X ° DDD only a fool would want me in such a course to
Muahauaha .... Collu, the dear professor of law, would be a heart attack ... Secondly
........... hate perspective, or rather our sconclusionaria Professor X ° DDDD
Nope, from a good person, even if troppo spesso mi si incasina e ci fa incasinare X°DDD per il resto è la prima persona in tanti anni ad avermi insegnato in un solo giorno la prospettiva X°DDDD
Terzo.......Lo Spazio Anteprima finalmente avrà la sua associazione A___A
Stasera, ore 21.00 finalmente si firmerà lo Statuto, e noi cambieremo il mondo v.v mauahauahuahaua
*sogni di gloria*
Per il resto, tutto ok, a parte cosplay che aumentano per Maggio o-o (al che io mi chiedo che diamine farò X°DD) e gente che si leva da quello della Cartoomics v.v
Indi, al prossimo che mi dice che salta, prendo il mio Dear Prussia dress and burn it >____>
Ahhh ..... and then it will be the last time I attend a large group of madocina going up on stage I am vv route> _> I fume to
Awww and my dear little woman in red + w + we love and the stupracchiare Gilb was a very interesting experience * W * even if my half Prussian screaming outrage X ° DDD
Even stupracchiare Sebastian * W * uhuhuhuhuh and pieces X ° D involuntarily
nap in this house all but me O_O perchèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè
ç_ç I'm the one who needs a well-deserved nap! *
launches air dogs and cats
Uuhhhh, other news, I started to translate my stuff upstairs in my new room A__A muahauahaua ......
* puts on the top corner of the yogurt * O_O shit!
* * disappears and comes back to clean
. __. but that beard
However, I find I have too many drawings O_O
where does it come out of X ° DDDD
not know what to write, except that I want to die because I can not go on like that damn chapter .____. testaccio my
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Perennialism And Essentialism Differences
Snow = desire for Cosplay Journal
Awww, I'm getting mattaaaaaaaaaaa!
I have a desire to escape dressed as Lilith (my character) and frolic in the snow with the pictures * w *
pity that this unfortunate and clothes with a miserable T-shirt and shorts along to knee boots ............ more maledettaaaaaaa>. \u0026lt;die of cold>. \u0026lt;
course, since it freezes, subtly change the clothing X ° D
Well, if I get the urge, ersco before it stops raining or snowing and I
photo>. \u0026lt;* W * I want too
Then this is perfect because Pg is born in a snowy country X ° D
Gnaaa, otherwise, I'm dying of cold anyway O_O Ivan I
breaks the boxes by the attacks on the PC and the attempt on the life of me> _> The
Just kill the true heir of Russia eh>. \u0026lt;
; vv I'm tired even go get the stuff, but I have to wait
my mom who decides to get vv tse ...
Sonnooo .... I want to go back to sleep .... but first cosplay + + _
Awww, I'm getting mattaaaaaaaaaaa!
I have a desire to escape dressed as Lilith (my character) and frolic in the snow with the pictures * w *
pity that this unfortunate and clothes with a miserable T-shirt and shorts along to knee boots ............ more maledettaaaaaaa>. \u0026lt;die of cold>. \u0026lt;
Well, if I get the urge, ersco before it stops raining or snowing and I
photo>. \u0026lt;* W * I want too
Then this is perfect because Pg is born in a snowy country X ° D
Gnaaa, otherwise, I'm dying of cold anyway O_O Ivan I
breaks the boxes by the attacks on the PC and the attempt on the life of me> _> The
Just kill the true heir of Russia eh>. \u0026lt;
; vv I'm tired even go get the stuff, but I have to wait
my mom who decides to get vv tse ...
Sonnooo .... I want to go back to sleep .... but first cosplay + + _
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Can Ripstik Wheels Fit On Scooters
... Back to life ...
So, I'd say now that my pc is back from his dear lady, I can continue to write with all peace in the Journal.
begin by saying that I started in January from my tram tram newspaper in Turin, and the courses are more intense and interesting * w *
Today, for example, we had three hours of drawing with the model, who like his colleague , last week, was not stopped with his head, rubbing any design vv
However Ruottolo corrected me a few times * W * I am happy! Also because he told me that he liked, besides that of my close pals * O * I love the little
Secondly .... I put a personal face as a reminder of my tender miciolo Liath ... In
family still talks about him and how we miss his gentle back and forth from the garden of the sofa ....
Someone will pay one day for telling poisoned ..
Third X ° DD ... I'm tired but happy.
ficciole I am returning to write, and I'm really happy.
Everything is due to my nee-chan virtual, My Pride who has appointed some of my FanFiction EFP to put up in the "stories ".... choices made me really happy.
Designs proceed, and now that I'll see again the pc to post and color with the tablet A_A
I'll do for the rest ... I do not know, okay.
I'm still pissed off with my little Lilliputian + w + and I love it more every day with his presence vv because I really lights up the day, even though we are far away.
After all this talk, I put the point in this post A___A shooting and that the pleasure of discovery continues vv muahauahuaha
So, I'd say now that my pc is back from his dear lady, I can continue to write with all peace in the Journal.
begin by saying that I started in January from my tram tram newspaper in Turin, and the courses are more intense and interesting * w *
Today, for example, we had three hours of drawing with the model, who like his colleague , last week, was not stopped with his head, rubbing any design vv
However Ruottolo corrected me a few times * W * I am happy! Also because he told me that he liked, besides that of my close pals * O * I love the little
Secondly .... I put a personal face as a reminder of my tender miciolo Liath ... In
family still talks about him and how we miss his gentle back and forth from the garden of the sofa ....
Someone will pay one day for telling poisoned ..
Third X ° DD ... I'm tired but happy.
ficciole I am returning to write, and I'm really happy.
Everything is due to my nee-chan virtual, My Pride who has appointed some of my FanFiction EFP to put up in the "stories ".... choices made me really happy.
Designs proceed, and now that I'll see again the pc to post and color with the tablet A_A
I'll do for the rest ... I do not know, okay.
I'm still pissed off with my little Lilliputian + w + and I love it more every day with his presence vv because I really lights up the day, even though we are far away.
After all this talk, I put the point in this post A___A shooting and that the pleasure of discovery continues vv muahauahuaha
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