I found a nice test on livejournal the friend
An Intense Kisser Are You !
Deep tounging, nibbling, and locking lips for hours are on your agenda.
've Been Known to wear out with your lovers kiss, before getting to anything else on the menu. And given
That You kiss so well ... imagine how you do everything else.
What Your Kissing Style Says About You:
When you want something you go for it, and you don't let go until it's yours.
And when you feel, you feel intensely (surprised?). You have a dramatic streak, no doubt.
If you're in a relationship, you don't take anything lightly. And neither should your lover.
Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:
Hook up with other Intense Kissers to have the experience of a life time. You'll both feel incredible things, both
in your heart and down there! If you are looking for an even more sexual fun, find the nearest Carnal Kisser.
You'll get kissed down there just right.
Stay Manic Kissers away from at all costs. They spread it around a little too much to give you the passion you crave. And forget about
Juicy Kissers as well - They Seem a bit too superficial for you.
How Do * You * Kiss?
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